Is Soil Alive? - Extension Activities
Further ideas and resources for extending this lesson
- Soil to smoothie: How can an apple core turn into a peach? How can some lettuce turn into a sunflower? Find out how through this storytelling activity: Soil to Smoothie Activity Guide and Materials.
- Ask students to do research on decomposers, pick their favorite decomposer, and then write and draw a cartoon strip of them hard at work in the compost pile. For inspiration, read: The Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin.
- The Wonderful World of Wigglers: Soil Tests.
- Starting With Soil is a new app from the Center for Ecoliteracy and Whole Kids Foundation offers a playful, visually rich way to help kids understand that soil is a living system full of fascinating relationships. Encourage teachers to allow students free or structured time to use it in the computer lab or on their Chromebooks in class.
- Conduct a soil shake test with students to learn more about the different components of soil. Follow the “mason jar” activity in this guide: Soil Sampling.