Grant Opportunities
Financial aid in bringing FarmBot to your school
We receive many inquiries about grant opportunities, financial aid, in-kind donations, and other ways in which we may be able to help bring FarmBot to students everywhere.
Unfortunately we do not have the resources available to make large donations at this time. However, please ask us about current educational discounts that may be available to your organization. We may be able to extend special pricing to K-12 schools, universities, and other qualified educational institutions.
Get in touch
Email our sales team at to request a quote.
Agriculture clubs
FarmBot has had success helping agriculture clubs integrate Farmbot technology into their club program activities. If you are associated with an educational agriculture club such as FFA (Future Farmers of America), 4-H, or another recognized youth organization, please ask us about club discounts that may be available to you.
Other grant opportunities
Many of our educational customers secure grant funding from other sources to help or fully pay for their FarmBot program. Below are several organizations that may have opportunities applicable for your program:
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) is a decentralized competitive grants and education program.
Carl D. Perkins grant assists school districts and public two-year colleges in improving secondary and postsecondary-level career and technical education programs.
National Young Farmers Coalition is a national advocacy network of young farmers fighting for the future of agriculture.
Ag Foundation White-Reinhardt Grant Program funds projects that will increase agricultural literacy. County and state Farm Bureaus may apply for $1,000 grants for education programs for grades K-12 in order to initiate new ag literacy programs or expand existing programs.
Bayer Agriculture Fund grants for these specific towns: St. Louis, MO; Northern NJ; Pittsburgh, PA; Berkeley, CA.
- is a centralized web portal and platform in the United States that serves as a comprehensive source for finding and applying for federal government grants. There are many opportunities for STEM learning funding.