Types of EmissionsNew
Identifying the types of emissions associated with manufacturing, using, and recycling FarmBot
Before students can calculate the emissions of FarmBot, it is important to learn about the types of emissions which can play a crucial role in evaluating the environmental impact of a product or technology.

Emission types
On the whiteboard, create two categories for emissions: Production-Related Emissions (also known as embodied emissions) and Usage-Related Emissions. Ask students to brainstorm what might contribute to FarmBot’s carbon footprint, and write their responses under the appropriate category.
Production-Related Emissions originate during the product’s creation phase, involving the mining and processing of raw materials, manufacturing, and shipping.
Usage-Related Emissions arise during the operation of the product, in this case, the electricity used by FarmBot.
While a third type, post-lifespan emissions, is sometimes considered, this lesson will primarily focus on the first two, as they are most pertinent to FarmBot’s operational context.